
5-7 تشرين الأوّل 2011
1860: History and Memory of a Conflict is published by the University of Balamand , Saint Joseph University and IFPO and is the works of a conference of the same name held in Beirut 5-7 October 2011. The publication was sponsored by the French Ministry of Foreign affairs and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and the support of the Lebanese Renaissance Foundation
16 - أيار - 2003
A seminar about the works of the scholar Assad Rustum, Historian of the Antiochian ​
This seminar was organized under the auspices of Patriarch Ignatius IV. It was held at the University of Balamand on May 16th 2003. The initiative for holding  this seminar about the historian Assad  Rustum, falls within  interest of   the  University of Balamand  in historical research and in the future of the youth of in this part of the world.
25- 27 آذار 2004
Les relations entre musulmans et chrétiens dans le Bilad al-Cham, à l’époque ottomane aux XVIIe – XIXe siècles. Apport des archives des tribunaux religieux des villes : Alep, Beyrouth, Damas, Tripoli. (Relations Between Moslems and Chrstians in Bilad al Sham during the Ottoman era in the 17th – 19th centuries…..)
20 - 22 أيار 2004
This conference was organized by the Antiochian Center for Documentation and Studies at the University of Balamand and the Near East School of Theology. It was held on May 20-22 at the University and at the School of Theology.  |University professors and academics participated.
12- 14 آذار 2007
Musāhamat al-muʼarrikhīn al-Urthūdhuks fī al-taʼrīkh. (Contribution of Orthodox Historians to Historiography).
This is the name of the conference organized by Monastry of Our Lady of Balamand and the Institute of History Archeology and Near Eastern Heritage at the University of Balamand on March 12-14, 2007. It was held at the Fadi and George Geha Hall at the Monastery. Presentations were in Arabic, English and French and were delivered by professors from Lebanon and from abroad. 
18-19 حزيران 2007
Byzantium in Early Islamic Syria, Umayyad period ( 640 -750) and Byzantine Reconquest Period 9969-1084) .
This title is the works of a conference of the same title organized jointly  by the Institute of History Archeology and Near Eastern Heritage a the University of Balamand, American Universriy of Beirut and IFPO on June 18 – 20, 2007.
11-13 كانون الثاني 2012
Al marsad al thaqafi wa syassat al matahef (Culture Watch and Museum Policies). 
It is the works of an joint conference organized by the third branch of the  Institute of Social Sciences at the Lebanese University and the Institute of History, Archeology and Near Eastern Studies at the University of Balamand on 11-13 January 2012.
       Maḥaṭṭāt fī tārīkh bilād al-Shām al-ḥadīth (Some Aspects of the Modern History of Bilad al-Sham) a series of lectures organized by the Institute of History and Near Eastern Heritage in 2006 and introduced by Dr. Abdelkarim Rafeq, former professor of history at the University of Damascus. A book having the same title was published by the University of Balamand in 2006.
28 - 30 أيّار 2009
Cohabitaion and Conflict in Bilad al-Sahm during the Ottoman Epoch: Moslem Christian Relations in the Chronicles and Works of the Travelers.
Works of a conference organized by the Univesity of Balamand. St. Joseph University, Institut Francais du Proch-Orient (IFPO), and Orient Institut Beirut (OIB) , May 28-30,2009. 26 professors from Lebanon and abroad, participated in this conference.
19 تشرين الأوّل 1997
This is the title of a conference organized by the University of Balamand,October 19, 1997. University professors from the University of Balamand, the Lebanese University, and from Russia and Germany participated.