Digital Archives

The DH Section gives special attention to the act of transforming the material archives, (documents, newspapers, journals, photographs ..) to an electronic archive by digitizing in accordance with universally  accepted norms and of preserving it in databases to be used by researchers. To this end the Section has set up a digitization lab that equipped with high resolution digital cameras. A data base that includes around 750,000 electronic documents has been set up and made available to researchers.

Digital Newspapers and Journals Library

The first step in this projects aims at gathering, indexing, and digitization of journals and newspapers published in Lebanon and Syria in the 19th and 20th centuries.  The next step will be concerned in entering them in a database so that researchers may be able to search the contents of the article as well as the digitized photos.  The projects focuses mainly on works emanating from Orthodox editors or institutions, but it is also concerned with other local publications specially literary, artistic, cultural and political ones.

The Antiochian Church Archive

This archive consists of documents and papers and several scholastic religious manuscripts that were kept in boxes under unfavorable conditions and have therefore suffered some deterioration. They belong to the libraries of the different patriarchates, monasteries, and bishoprics of the Antiochian Church in Lebanon and Syria.  They represent basic resources for the study of the history of these places.