Research Projects - History & Archives


This is a project funded by CEDER and carried out by the Unversity of Balamad and the University of Tours in France. This program seeks to explore the concept of time in the East as determined by different modern and traditional domains in the East and the West. The CEDER project aims at encouraging joint research between France and Lebanon. The program sponsored 4 study missions from Lebanon to France and 2 from France to Lebanon.

Co-existence and Cooperation in Lebanon During the Civil War

This research project aims to shed light on cases of coexistence and cooperation in the Lebanese society during the civil war. These cases are currently unknown and marginalized due to internal divisions and ineffective political organizations. The new generations are completely unaware of them special with a media that is more interested in fueling sectarian animosities.  This study will show the many areas in which the Lebanese resisted the war and continued to live in unity and harmony even during the fiercest episodes of fighting.

Training program for editing Arabic manuscripts

The University of Balamand, together with IFPO, Kaslik University, Lebanese University, and the Oriental Library planned a training program for the reading and editing of  Arabic manuscripts.  The program was executed over a period of 3 years, (2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014.) All sessions took place in the months of February and June for the duration of 25 hours each month.  The staff were from France, Germany and Lebanon, and the students were from the Univesrity of Balamand, the Lebanese University and IFPO.