Databases and Research in the Humanities

Databases are the backbone of digital humanities projects.  They don’t only preserve documents and make them easily attainable, but they also aim to have the data visualization of the content   presented in a clear and attractive way.  The DH Section paid special attention to this aspect and opted for the open source programs.

Data Base of the Arabic Manuscripts of the Four Gospels

This project presents the first database in the world that gathers and digitizes all the Arabic texts of the four Gospels for preservation and study. But what really sets this project apart is the fact that the texts of the four Gospels are not only those of the Biblical texts but they also includes those of the liturgical Gospels, in addition to the Islamic- Christian apologetics texts.  We are now working on gathering all quotes regarding the four Gospels that appear in Arabic literature in general.

Works of Patriach Ignatius 1V

Patriarch Ignatius IV (1920 – 2012) was elected in 1979 to be the 157th Patriarch on the throne of the city of God Antioch and all the East.  This project aims at establishing a digitized database connected to the worldwide On-Line Data Base that will collect all the legacy of this great man (books, sermons, declarations, interviews, visual and audio recordings).