Archives of the Monasteries of: Our Lady of Balamand, Mar Elias Shwayya, and John the Baptist
These archives contain records and papers and constitute part of the history of these monasteries and their regions." data-share-imageurl="">
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Archives of the Monasteries of: Our Lady of Balamand, Mar Elias Shwayya, and John the Baptist, Douma.
The book about the archives of the Patriarchal Monastery of our Lady of Balamand, and the Patriarchal Monastery of Mar Elias, Shwayya, and the monastery of John the Baptist, Douma was published in 1995 by the Antiochian Center for Documentation and Studies at the University of Balamand.
These archives contain records and papers and constitute part of the history of these monasteries and their regions. The records include daily accounst of individuals and ledgers of the import and export accounts of the monasteries by months. There are also separate records of real-estate and personal status, such as baptisms, deaths, marriages and divorce. The papers include deeds, correspondence, receipts and others.
These archives have been cataloged to show form and type of paper, the cover and size, kind of ink and the calligraphy. In addition there are indexes of places, names of heads of the monasteries and of writers, and subjects.
Patriarchal Monastery of Our Lady of Balamand Archives include 48 Records and 324 papers . They were indexed by Elie Dannaoui.
Patriarchal Monastery of Mar Elias Shwayya archives include 154 papers and 20 records. Indexing was done by Ghada Shalhoub Sawaya.
Monastery of John the Baptist, Douma archives include 277 papers, 62 records and 30 booklets. Indexing was done by Ghada Shalhoub Sawaya
Mount Lebanon – Manuscripts indexes – landmarks.
The book about the archives of the Patriarchal Monastery of our Lady of Balamand, and the Patriarchal Monastery of Mar Elias, Shwayya, and the monastery of John the Baptist, Douma was published in 1995 by the Antiochian Center for Documentation and Studies at the University of Balamand.

These archives have been cataloged to show form and type of paper, the cover and size, kind of ink and the calligraphy. In addition there are indexes of places, names of heads of the monasteries and of writers, and subjects.
Patriarchal Monastery of Our Lady of Balamand Archives include 48 Records and 324 papers . They were indexed by Elie Dannaoui.
Patriarchal Monastery of Mar Elias Shwayya archives include 154 papers and 20 records. Indexing was done by Ghada Shalhoub Sawaya.
Monastery of John the Baptist, Douma archives include 277 papers, 62 records and 30 booklets. Indexing was done by Ghada Shalhoub Sawaya
Mount Lebanon – Manuscripts indexes – landmarks.
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