Atlas Historique des Orthodoxes de Beyrouth et du Mont Liban, 1800-1940

After an introduction and a historical overview, it includes    four parts:
End of the 18th century
The 19th century
Last quarter of the 19th century
Start of the 20th century." data-share-imageurl="">
تاريخ النشر: 
Atlas Historique des Orthodoxes de Beyrouth et du Mont Liban, 1800-1940, by May Davie. Published by the University of Balamand, 1999.
The book is in French. Atlas_Historique.jpgAfter an introduction and a historical overview, it includes    four parts:
End of the 18th century
The 19th century
Last quarter of the 19th century
Start of the 20th century.
In addition, it has list of references, appendices, documents, pictures and tables.  The author goes over places of worship in the city and demographic distribution, immigration to Beirut , the awqaf, institutions, inhabitants of Mount Lebanon during the Mutassarifiyah , schools, churches, and St. Georges Hospital.
Beirut – History – Mount Lebanon
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