Awḍāʻ al-Rūm al-Urthūdhuks al-wāfidīn ilá Bayrūt maṭlaʻ al-qarn al-ʻishrīn : dirāsah maydānīyah fī ʻilm al-ijtimāʻ al-madīnī ( the Status of the Orthodox New Comers to Beirut at the Start of the 20th Century)

تاريخ النشر: 
Awḍāʻ al-Rūm al-Urthūdhuks al-wāfidīn ilá Bayrūt maṭlaʻ al-qarn al-ʻishrīn : dirāsah maydānīyah fī ʻilm al-ijtimāʻ al-madīnī ( the Status of the Orthodox  New Comers  to  Beirut at the Start of the 20th Century) by Dr. Raid Jureidini, and Dr. Dunia al Asmar Allam. It is the first book in the series Dirasat wa Abhath Tarikhiyyah published by the Institute of History, Archeology and Near Eastern Heritage at the University of Balamand in 2000
1.jpgAfter a forward and an introduction the book includes these three parts:
The arrival of the Greek Orthodox new comers and their settlement in Beirut
Demographical, social and economic status of the  settlements
The adjustment of the new comers to urban life.
Following these three parts are appendices that include the questionnaire used in the study, lists of names of the families sorted by places where they came from, and the sect to which they belong. There are also lists of the tables  figures Arabic and non-Arabic references.
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