Ignatius al Rabih: Mawaqef wa Aqwal ( Igantius IV : Attitudes and Statements)

Following that the articles are organized according to the following topics:
Orthodoxy and authenticity
Antiochian Orthodox Church and other churches
The Orthodox and the Arab and Islamic world
Jerusalem and Lebanon
Faith and prayer
Orthodox Feasts
Jesus, our way forward
Orthodoxy and modernity
Balamand: from monastery to university
The book ends with the articles of a  symposium about the book in which Father Georges Massouh, mimister of culture Ghassan Salameh, Mr." data-share-imageurl="https://iohanes.uobdh.org/sites/default/files/pic0011_0.png">
تاريخ النشر: 
Ignatius al Rabih: Mawaqef wa Aqwal ( Igantius IV : Attitudes and Statements)
The book includes important samples of the Patriarch’s sermons, talks, interviews and articles. The introduction is his own speech which he delivered upon his induction at the Maryamiyah Cathedral in 1979.pic0011.pngFollowing that the articles are organized according to the following topics:
Orthodoxy and authenticity
Antiochian Orthodox Church and other churches
The Orthodox and the Arab and Islamic world
Jerusalem and Lebanon
Faith and prayer
Orthodox Feasts
Jesus, our way forward
Orthodoxy and modernity
Balamand: from monastery to university
The book ends with the articles of a  symposium about the book in which Father Georges Massouh, mimister of culture Ghassan Salameh, Mr. Ghassan  tueni, and Dr. Radwan al Sayyed participated.
The Patriarchate – Personalities

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