Digital Newspapers and Journals Library

The first step in this projects aims at gathering, indexing, and digitization of journals and newspapers published in Lebanon and Syria in the 19th and 20th centuries.  The next step will be concerned in entering them in a database so that researchers may be able to search the contents of the article as well as the digitized photos.  The projects focuses mainly on works emanating from Orthodox editors or institutions, but it is also concerned with other local publications specially literary, artistic, cultural and political ones.
This Digital library includes the following publications:
            1. Al Hadiyya:  Published by Society for Christian Education of the Orthodox Church of Beirut. It was published between 1883 and 1889.
            2. Al Mahabah: Published by the Society for Christian Education in Beirut. Edited by Fadlallah Fares Abu Halqa. First issue was published on January 25, 1899 and continued until 1903.
            3. Al Nihmah: A monthly scientific, religious and informative journal. It was published by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East in Damascus. First issue published in 1908. It Ceased publication in 1914 with the onset of the First World War. In 1959 Archbishop Theodosius Abu Rjaileh resumed its publication.
            4. Al Raed :  Published by Jabr Jawhar ( 1879-1953 ) in Tripoli in 1934 and was continued later by Father Rumanous  Jawhar ( 1914-1991).
            5. Al Qalam Assarih: Published in Marjioun by Alfred Abu Samra , on August 13, 1931. It was a 4 page weekly, but with issue no. 19-20, 1932 it turned into a journal. It ceased publication in mid 1976 after the escalations in the Lebanese Civil War.